速報APP / 生活品味 / LADYBUG HV



檔案大小:45.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


LADYBUG HV(圖1)-速報App

LADYBUGG is an App design especially for the Huron Valley Community, this app is packed with useful tools specifically to keep you informed about whats happening in our community.

FRM Facebook - is a direct like to Family Resource Magazine’s Facebook account where we update our events calendar and post information about what is going on in our community everyday. Visit our Facebook Page to stay informed to what is happening in our community.

Current Issue - This is a mobile digital version of our current publication, look here to see current sales and special offerings from business within in our community.

Vinyl Expressions, This is our Online store where you can shop for all your vehicle graphics needs. Take a moment to visit our store and see if we have exactly what you have been looking for.

LADYBUG HV(圖2)-速報App

HV Events - This is your community events calendar, never miss a community event again. Milford Memories, Farmers Markets, Central Park Music Festivals ect…

Our Advertisers - Meet the advertisers of our publication, finds there offers and links to visit, call or email to take advantage of their offering.

In-app Messaging - Is a community oriented message system, now you can spread the word of a Huron Valley event by simply posting a text message to everyone that is using LADYBUG.

Code Scanner - Scan advertisement and coupon from business in our community, no need to clip from an Ad or bring an advertisement into a store, you have everything on your phone

LADYBUG HV(圖3)-速報App

Push Notification - Know when special go live, store can now alert you on the spot when they launch a deal. You will get instant notification with a geo-reference to navigate to you right where to go.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad